Patty B+
Benefit & Fund-Raising Auctioneer

Share with me your organization's story, goals, and dreams of the future.
Call today
(763) 234-7511
“Together we can create Success”
Are you looking for an auctioneer who’ll share your goodwill and passion for your charitable organization? One who invests her heart as well as her fundraising expertise? Patty Brunn delivers success.
Her compassion is authentic. She grasps the worthiness of charitable work.
Patty is the conduit to communicate your charity’s mission that your organization supports and appeal to your contributors’ generous spirit.
She’ll raise dollars by raising the human spirit with her playful, engaging manner.
She’s the Yin and Yang of auctioneers. She’s down to earth and classy.
Besides providing auctioneering services, she welcomes collaboration with your team prior to the auction to help you maximize revenue/your goals.
Patty is a certified, licensed benefit and fundraising auctioneer who received her training from Continental Auctioneers School. Her sales and marketing background enhances the experience.
She’s raised thousands of dollars for community sports organizations, religious affiliations, Target - United Way and that's not all. In addition to auctioneering, she is behind the scenes volunteering countless hours for great organizations like Gillette Children's, Second Harvest Heartland, United Way and St. Jude just to name a few. Patty's philosophy is quite simple - Sharing ones gift creates wonderfully unexpected gifts for others.